Thursday, 3 April 2014

The EbolaVirus.

The Ebolavirus is currently the most talked about virus at the moment because its out break has been recorded in some parts of the globe and still spreading. It is said to be one of the most dangerous virus ever discovered causing extremely severe diseases in humans and could easily be contacted hence the need for a high environmental hygiene. Research show that  its first broke out in Sudan and Zaire in 1976.
Ebolavirus patients are usually isolated in order not to spread the disease. This virus should be suspected in persons who develop bleeding from the mouth, nose, ear and rectum. Please click to continue reading...

According to medical professionals, symptoms include, fever, headache, chills, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, joint pains, backaches and sore throat. Others include, eye swelling, swelling of the genitals and rashes all over the body.  Though these could be symptoms of something else, its best to have yourself checked out early, if you happen to be experiencing any of these! All these could progress to shock, coma and death!

Because this virus is so highly infectious, its calls for great concerns for health workers as well as family and friends to be at alert, for it can be contacted through close body contact with those infected, body secretions organs or blood, also from animals too.

Measures such as; washing of hands with soap and water, avoiding close contact with sick people and ensuring a highly clean environment reduces the risks of infection.

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